Our Story

Shawn, after dedicating seven years to serving on a local church's staff, felt an unmistakable calling to be a missionary in Mexico—a calling that resonated deep within his soul.

Meanwhile, Carolina, a devoted stay-at-home mom juggling the care of two young children with active involvement in church ministries, felt the divine tug to extend her service beyond borders and into the landscapes of Mexico.

Driven by our shared sense of purpose, we embraced our calling wholeheartedly and embarked on a life-altering journey in 2017, as we uprooted our family to answer the call to the mission field.

With just a year of missionary work behind us, we ventured into The Last Frontier of Mexico for the first time. What we discovered was a surprising spiritual need: despite the beauty of the people we met, many remained untouched by the truth of the gospel and a genuine expression of Jesus' love and compassion.

The scarcity of local churches weighed heavily on our hearts, inspiring in us a deep resolve to dedicate our lives to the cause of establishing disciple-making churches in every community within the region.

Our current ministry includes pastoring a church plant we started in the Fall of 2023. We also lead a church planting initiative called Advance, mentoring church planters with a primary focus on training leaders to start new faith communities. Additionally, we offer support and guidance to pastors of established churches, helping them revitalize a mission-driven strategy for community outreach, discipleship, and church planting in one of the least evangelized areas in Latin America.


Our Call To Missions